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Stay and Invest… a new approach to hospitality

Our business model explained

ONTO buildings are individual units tailored for hospitality needs and geared towards maximizing returns.

Introducing a revolutionary business model in the real estate sector that combines the best of both worlds – individual residential assets designed for hospitality and professional management at the highest standards. In this unique venture, individuals can buy into specific residential properties strategically chosen for their appeal in the hospitality market. These properties are meticulously designed and furnished to meet the highest standards of comfort and aesthetic appeal, ensuring an unforgettable experience for guests.

What sets ONTO apart is the professional management of these assets. A dedicated team ensures that each property is maintained to the highest hospitality standards, handling everything from cleaning and maintenance to guest services. This relieves investors of the day-to-day responsibilities associated with traditional long-term leases or the do-it-yourself nature of short-term rental operations on platforms like Airbnb. By outsourcing management to seasoned professionals, investors can enjoy a hands-off approach while still reaping the benefits of a lucrative and dynamic market.

Our Story

Bridging ownership, great returns and unparallel hospitality

Investors not only gain the advantage of hassle-free property management but also access to attractive returns beyond what traditional long-term leases or independent short-term rentals might offer. The hospitality-focused approach attracts a premium clientele, maximizing occupancy rates and ensuring a steady income stream. This innovative business model represents a paradigm shift in real estate investment, combining the stability of property ownership with the flexibility and profitability of the booming hospitality industry.

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